Implement a Matrix Class


Criteria Meet Specification

Methods pass all unit tests.

If your code passes the provided tests in then your project will meet specification for this criteria.

determinant() works correctly.

determinant() of matrix is calculated the right way and we get the correct output.

trace() works correctly.

trace() of matrix is calculated the right way and we get the correct output.

inverse() works correctly.

inverse() of matrix is calculated the right way and we get the correct output.

T() works correctly.

T() (transpose) of matrix is calculated the right way and we get the correct output.

add() works correctly

add() is calculated the right way and we get the correct output.

neg() works correctly

neg() is calculated the right way and we get the correct output.

sub() works correctly

sub() is calculated the right way and we get the correct output.

mul() works correctly

mul() is calculated the right way and we get the correct output.

rmul() works correctly

rmul() is calculated the right way and we get the correct output.

Code Quality

Criteria Meet Specification


Code quality issues should NOT make a project non-passing. If the code works the project should pass. But readability is important so try to go through your code before submitting to make sure that a reviewer will be able to provide the most helpful feedback for you.

Tips to make your project standout:

If you want an extra challenge then look into making the determinant and inverse methods work for matrices that are larger than 2x2.